It has long frustrated us that our industry has no aggregate banking calendar. That is, there is no single place to see all the banking conferences, workshops, symposiums, and conventions (we will use the generic “conference”) in the banking industry. If you are trying to budget for next year, train yourself, train your people, prospect, or explore a particular discipline, it will take you hours of research, and you will likely still come up short. We are on the path to solving this problem and would like to walk you through our free tool to make your life easier.

Background on Our Banking Calendar

First, you should navigate HERE and bookmark this page. The page can also be found on the top navigation on our website under “Live Events.”

We track some 255 conferences for the banking industry and often get asked which are the best ones. Many of those conferences are either very regional in nature or very specific to a product and are basically just a user conference. However, some conferences, on the other hand, are user-focused, such as Dreamforce (Salesforce) or Fiserv Forum, and while they feature a product(s), they are still instructive for bankers beyond the product.

We took those 255 conferences and narrowed them down to the top 100 and are in the process of putting them on the Banking Calendar. About 60% of the ones are there, and the rest will go on once we have firm 2025 dates (having firm dates is currently a prerequisite of being on the calendar).

Using This Tool to Find Banking Conferences

If you are a banker and want to see what conferences tickle your fancy, you can scroll through all of them to see what catches your eye. You can look at events in a “List View” (below) that provides a tile format of all the conferences in chronological order, or you can use the “Calendar” view and see what conferences are taking place in a particular time frame or what conferences overlap.

Banking Calendar

We provided both a robust set of filters and some “Quick Filters” to create a customized list of conferences to review if you just want conferences around payments or compliance. Similarly, you may want to go to Las Vegas and see all the conferences at that destination. If you want to learn about a particular topic, maybe how Section 1071 or 1033 will impact banking in the coming years, you can search for that.

Using This Banking Calendar Application for Sales and Marketing

Perhaps one of the best use cases for this Banking Calendar application is to find our best conferences for prospecting. No other location or organization tracks where banks should go to grab new customers. If you want to grow loans or deposits in particular industry niches, check out our “Prospecting” tag and filter. Here, you can see some of the top conferences banks can attend to drive new business. These are conferences around real estate finance, healthcare, small business, non-profits, insurance, manufacturing, payroll, auto dealers, trade associations, sports leagues, asset management, and more.

10 Banking Calendar Use Cases

If You Sponsor, Advise, or Host an Event

If you put on an event or sit on an advisory panel to an event, this is a must-use tool to drive registration. By partnering with us, and if your event is appropriate, you can list your event for free and tap our approximate 4,000 bank network.

Conference managers can use the tool to check for open dates and conflicts, compare agendas, and identify trending topics.

Here are some additional attributes to consider:

Quantity and Quality: Because of our content, our readers tend to care more about banking than the average banker. They want to learn, improve, and outperform. Positively appealing to this demographic, plus taking advantage of the filtering tools, should result in not only more eyes on your conference but a more committed banker who will show up and participate. Better still, our readers skew to banking managers and the C-suite, so you will be getting influential recognition that can help suggest and approve conference expenses.

SEO Powered: Each of our event pages is designed to be friendly for search engine optimization. Often, we found that a conference organizer would create a webpage without worrying about how their graphics, headers, or keywords impact their search. As such, their conference was hard to find.

We monitor key conference words and know that bankers often use the year when searching for a type of conference. This is why we often add the year to the conference in our title if possible, as “bank lending conference 2025” is a more common search term than “bank lending conference.” Having us add your conference link to our page alone makes your conference rank higher in searches due to the referred traffic.

While our page and tile likely cannot compete with a well-designed webpage of the conference organizer, it can’t hurt and provides another way to be found.

Future Enhancements

We have a host of planned enhancements and are anxious to hear what users think. Below are some items on our roadmap.

Event Notifications: Bookmark events to get notified when future conference dates are established or when there are conferences in your area or new conferences that arise in your topic of interest.

Ratings: Our dream is to have more crowdsourced ratings on conference to provide bankers information about a conference’s quality.

Add to Calendar: Many conferences don’t easily allow you to add the event to your Outlook, Gmail or iOS calendar. We are thinking about enabling this functionality.

Conference Picker: In future versions, we plan to have a map of agenda topics to have a recommendation engine for bankers looking to learn about certain aspects of banking. Bankers can put in their interests, and the suggestion engine will recommend certain conferences based on your goals and interests. While we highlight what vendors will be at each conference now (if we know them), we also look to highlight vendors that might help banks achieve their goals.

Let Us Know What You Think

It is our sincere hope that you will bookmark and utilize the Banking Calendar to gather information on future events.

As mentioned, if you are a banker, a vendor, or an event organizer, we would love your feedback and ideas for future functionality. You should see a tab on the right-hand side of the Banking Calendar page to suggest a conference we might have missed. If you are on a device where you can’t see the tab or have other feedback, please send us an email.


Tags: , , , Published: 07/31/24 by Chris Nichols