Finally, An Easy And Affordable Loan Pricing Solution For Banks
Loan Command helps the whole bank utilize a common framework to work together to achieve their goals. This simple-to-use model considers loans, deposits, and fees to provide a clear view of the customer relationship. Give your lenders, relationship managers, and management the power of advanced loan analytics in one simple and affordable package.
Leverage Power
Level the playing field. Equip your local lenders with the same power and intelligence as the large regional and national banks. Allow your lenders to easily analyze a multitude of variables to reach a decision quickly.
Gain Insight
Not only does Loan Command give you a quantitative basis for decisions, but it also suggests competitive market structuring ideas based on inputs driven by the collective experience of hundreds of financial institutions.
Reduce Risks
Loan Command not only takes the latest credit risk information into pricing but also provides you with predictive analytics to forecast the loan’s expected loss. Generate more confidence in the field and win better loans.
Build a Roadmap
Think of Loan Command as the profitability GPS for your financial institution. You know where you want to go; Loan Command now gives you the roadmap to get there; loan-by-loan, deposit-by-deposit, and fee-by-fee.
Track Progress
Loan Command also offers a pipeline management system that forecasts what loans will get closed and when. Utilize this bonus tool to track when and where your bank loses and wins relationships.
Stay on Budget
Pricing is simple and low risk - $89 per month per licensed user. That is it, easy to budget and no extra charges. There is no obligation and your financial institution can cancel at any time. That is a pretty easy decision.
Try Loan Command for Absolutely Free
Standardize loan pricing across your bank, speed up your approval process, and most importantly - increase your loan margin.