10 Ideas On How to Optimize Analyzed Checking (Part 2)

If managing loan pricing is a college-level course, deposit pricing is a master’s. Given the complexity, managing analyzed checking, however, is a PhD. level effort. There are all the dynamics of traditional accounts plus often two different interest rates, the ability to offset fees, and a variety of adjustments. We covered the basics of account…

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How To Use Account Analysis Effectively (Part 1)

Data analytics combined with artificial intelligence is changing the strategy and tactics around account analysis and the analyzed checking account (which we will call a “transaction account”). In this two-part series, we want to explore the history, structure, and role of account analysis in Part 1 and then some insights and tactics on increasing bank…

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These Are Your Most Profitable Cash Management Clients

Not all customers are created equal. Some customers are more profitable than others, and if you are out to build a more profitable bank, it pays to have a tactical plan to go after more profitable customers. The treasury or cash management customer is usually a bank’s most profitable customer on a risk-adjusted basis (HERE). …

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5 Steps to Better Treasury Management

If one product is the future of banking, it is treasury management. With a competitive offering, it will be easier to attract the small business and mid-sized companies that a bank needs to fuel its core growth. In this article, we detail the five steps to building a treasury management strategy, provide some tools to…

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