Today with sit down with Mark Galvin, founder & CEO of ePresence. Mark started ePresence to serve business people that do not have the time, know-how, or desire to manage their own social media. His ultimate goal is to help people find more success through social media. On the show, we discuss all things LinkedIn as it becomes more and more relevant to community bankers today.

Listen to Mark’s podcast, “How Your ePresence?” —


Intro: Helping community bankers grow themselves, their team and their profits. This is the Community Bank Podcast.

Caleb: Well, Hey everybody, and welcome to episode 28 of the Community Bank Podcast. I’m your host for today, Caleb Stevens, and I am joined by Tom Fitzgerald. Tom, it’s good to have you back in the studio. How are you?

Tom: It’s been a little while I’m doing good Caleb and I hope you are too.

Caleb: Well, whenever you’re gone, that means we don’t get any helpful economic updates. So, tell us what’s going on with the Fed? What’s going on with interest rates? What’s going on in the economy, and just the general state of banking. Try to make sense of all the mess [inaudible 00:39] right now.

Tom: Well, just briefly since we last met the 10 year and the other, you know, long denominated or long maturing bonds have been doing nothing but pretty much rising in yield, and so you know, I look back at it today, yields bottomed last August with the ten-year got down to about 50 basis points, and so it’s been kind of grinding higher ever since, and then when it kind of popped over 1 percent, it sort of got a little more enthusiasm to it, and so as we record this, we went over 130 today, which is a one-year high for the tenure.

So, it’s kind of got the market a little bit a buzz as to you know, how much longer those yields are going to continue to go up. I think 150 could be a stopping point. Getting from 150 to 2 is going to be more of a tough grind to get there. What it has done though, it’s really steepened the curve from 2 years out to 10 years. We’re at about a 4 year high on that, and so from a banker’s perspective, that’s kind of what you want to see because the old adage of borrow short lend long. So, you’ve got your funding costs still kind of fixed basically because the Fed’s not moving anything on the Fed funds rate, but the long end of the curve has been backing up as we said for months now, and so now we’ve got yield spreads that are, like I said, at 4 year highs.

So, we can put that, build that into your lending programs, keep your funding costs low, and you may start to see your net interest margins stabilize, if not, maybe pick up a few basis points. So that’s, I think the good news and if we can kind of keep those spread levels there for some time, and I think we probably can given the outlook for, you know, the vaccine and the trends in that and the virus cases moving in the right direction. The stimulus 3.0, that’s probably going to be passed in the next few weeks here. I think all that bodes pretty well for, at least for the second half of the year, if not for the second quarter to start to see some real economic growth, and again, keep that steepness in the curve, and again, help the net interest margins for the bankers.

Caleb: Yeah. I was looking at our swap curve that we use our swap grid that we put out for our art program just this morning, and I was thinking, well, no, those longer end rates are starting to tick up a little bit, which overall for banking is a positive, I would say.

Tom: They have been. Now obviously, you know, you’re still looking at very, you know, kind of historically very low rates on those long end yields, but still, like I said, you know, we’ve gotten to 4 year highs on the treasury curve, and we were pretty much like we talked about earlier pre flat or inverted, not too long ago. So, you know, having some steepness, like I said, it’s going to be very helpful for the bankers.

Caleb: Well, I have no idea how to transition from what the rates are doing to social media, but we’re going to do it. Today’s show is all about LinkedIn and how to use LinkedIn for your business and for your bank. If you’re a commercial lender, if you’re a CEO, how does LinkedIn play into your personal brand, but also your company’s overall social media and marketing strategy, and there’s nobody better to help us with that than Mark Galvin. He is the CEO and founder of ePresence. All he does lives and breathes is social media. He’s the host of the show. How’s your ePresence? Where he talks with business owners about how they can improve their social media presence to grow their business, and he’s an awesome guy, a lot of fun, a lot of energy, and I thought that was a great conversation we had.

Tom: It was. It was very entertaining, and I think the listeners will like some of the tips that he gives them during the course of the interview.

Caleb: With COVID, I mean, now’s the best time to jump into it. I can’t tell you how much more time I’ve ended up spending on LinkedIn for prospecting purposes, just for connecting with friends in the business world purposes, simply because we have more time at home. We’re not on the road, we’re not out and about as much, and so there’s more time to kind of think about those digital marketing strategies and prospecting strategies. So really great conversation, really good stuff from Mark, and we are excited to play that interview for you now. Well, Mark, thanks for hopping on the podcast today. It’s great to see you. How are you doing?

Mark: I am great, Caleb, thanks for having me on.

Caleb: Of course, it’s been a while since you and I talked, but we met through a business radio X show we did together a couple of years ago, and I remember listening to that and hearing you talk about your passion for social media, for LinkedIn, for helping executives and companies with all of the different ways and strategies, they can use social media and LinkedIn to grow their business. So, talk a little bit about how’d you become a social media expert, you know, 20 years ago if someone told you Mark, hey, you’re going to be a social media expert. You would have said, what in the world is that? So how did you get into social media world?

Mark: One hundred percent. Yeah, I mean, and I tell you what Caleb, I used to be in the hospitality business. I spent over 25 years managing people and selling hotels, and I remember when a hotelier two blocks up from my hotel, sent me a LinkedIn request. It was the first time I ever saw LinkedIn and I ignored it. Like, whatever, I am not doing that. So yeah, I think you’re spot on. It was certainly not on the radar for a long time. So, I came out the hospitality space and I got involved in a marketing firm after hospitality and our market was hotels. So, we brought hoteliers and meeting planners together.

We created a common marketplace for them and that’s what I did, and so I got a little bit of exposure to the media side and I saw a small business because I’m going to tell you what, when you work at a at a hotel, business looks a little complicated. You know, you got 700 people in a hotel. You know, you’ve got HR, you’ve got engineering and it looks just overwhelming. So, I never thought I could start my own company. Until I worked there, I saw it like, oh, I could do this, and I got very involved in the space where I feel very comfortable and I’ve always been comfortable in technology and communications.

So, we blended all that, and then five years ago I told the owner of the company, I said, dude, love you lots I’m out, and left and started ePresence in August of 2015, because ironically, an executive from a bank sat with me across over a burger one day and said, I need help on LinkedIn. You get technology, you understand communications, can you look at this? I said, sure, I did. I studied it for a year. Really opened ePresence as a company to help individuals get on line and stay online, build their personal brand. We’ve since expanded, we’re a full service social media agency, but that’s why I did it. Someone said, hey, I need help and I understood by that point, I understood LinkedIn. I had developed a large network and started leveraging that knowledge.

Caleb: You’ve since expanded beyond just LinkedIn to social media strategies of all kinds, various industries, businesses talk a little bit about all the different kinds of problems you help companies and individuals solve.

Mark: Yeah. Well, thanks for giving me a chance to say this. If there’s a need that an organization has on social, we’ve learned to solve that. So, I’ll give you an example. We work with chiropractors, dentists, veterinarians, folks that are looking to develop a longer term relationship with their clients or their customers or their patients, whatever they want to call them, and the best way to establish that reputation bankers are a good example. That’s a long-term relationship. It takes a little while to build trust, and the easiest way to build trust is to do it through social. As you show up in somebody’s feed, you share your quality content, not selling, just sharing quality content like you guys you help other banks, you help them with services.

So, you could constantly share tips like this show is a great example. Here’s a way that you can leverage LinkedIn better. It’s quality content. You’re not asking for them to do business with you. This is what everybody should do on social. So, what we’ll do is we help people do that because not everybody has time. So, take a vet, you know, a lot of vets show pictures of cats and dogs, and they’re cute. That’s great, but they need to take that message one step further. How do you do that? Well, what’s your goal? Who you trying to attract? You want dogs, you want cats. I got a rabbit by the way, never get a rabbit. They live a long time. Got it for my daughter and found out she didn’t want it, but anyway, we still have it, but, okay, great.

So maybe you’re into exotic animals. How do you build that reputation for doing that? That’s a strategy. You build it, then you execute some tactics. So, we help people there. We help college students get online, stay online, they get Snapchat, but they don’t get LinkedIn. The whole different way of communicating. We help them with that. So, we’ve got a number of things we even do consulting. So, if somebody doesn’t have a huge budget, they want to do it themselves. They can have us come in and we can help put the bones in place for them to execute it themselves.

Tom: Let’s focus now, Mark, on looking at that bank executive, that’s listening to us and he’s navigated to probably a boomer, he’s navigated his career so far with probably, you know, when he came up, there was no such thing as LinkedIn, there was nothing like Twitter. They might have an account. They might, you know, sign in and wish people, you know, happy anniversary and you know, good luck on the job promotion, but probably use it very little beyond that. Like I said, they’ve kind of navigated at this point in their career. Why is it important for them now to maybe turn up that presence that they have in their LinkedIn profile or other social media in general?

Mark: Yeah, though the one reason is they’re going to get beat to death by their competitors if they don’t. So, here’s an example. If I have a friend who is a banker in Canton, Georgia, and his goal is to get more and more loans in that’s his mission. It’s a huge goal, I don’t know how he does it, but he does it well. When he goes in, he knocks on the door and tries to establish a relationship with a target. If that target goes on to LinkedIn, to see more about him and they can’t find him, but they can find the competitor. That competitor has a better chance of staying top of mind. Also, he can establish himself on LinkedIn, like Caleb, you have a great presence on LinkedIn.

So, as I land on your profile and I see you, your profile is going to reinforce something. If it’s not there, if it’s not existing, it’s reinforcing nothing. So, you can control that message, and now here’s the deal. People want to do business with people they like know and trust. So, I trust Caleb because I can see him on LinkedIn. I can see what he’s done. I can see that he’s qualified. If we’re not trying to enhance that message, control that message because you certainly can, then we’re missing an opportunity that’s becoming more and more ubiquitous. Here’s what’s interesting about LinkedIn. LinkedIn used to be the place you went for a job.

They are now turning it into a database, it’s a business database. Where, hey, you know what, when Caleb reached out to me, I pulled him up on LinkedIn. I’m like, oh yeah, I remember Caleb, you know, I maybe I don’t remember the conversations that we had well, and I could see you, and it helps me connect to him better. That’s why you’ve got to do it. It really is crucial that we do a better job of communicating to our target audience, who we are through LinkedIn.

Tom: I think too, in this age of COVID and the social distancing, I would imagine the hit rate to profiles on LinkedIn have just gone through the roof in the last year or so, just because people can’t meet face to face, and they’re going to say, let me pull this guy up and see, you know, see what he’s got going on and just kind of address it. Yeah. I just can imagine it.

Mark: Yeah.

Tom: It’s just gone through the roof.

Mark: I tell a lot of people that the LinkedIn profile and it is true, the LinkedIn profile pictures are the most important part of your profile. That kind of freaks people out. Tom, I see your eyes go, oh-oh. Oh, no don’t tell me that.

Tom: I need more filtering.

Mark: It’s the most important part because Tom, if I meet you face to face, I’m going to walk up and I’m going to shake your hand, I’m going to look you in the eye, and I hope we’ll get back to that. Right, but that is what we did as humans. When I land on your profile for the first time, I still do that because I don’t see us being human because that’s what we do, culturally in the US that’s what we do. So, you’ve got to have a great profile picture. If I can’t see your eyes in your profile picture, that’s a problem, because I’m not able to connect with you, and we’re emotional beings. Again, human beings it’s what we do. So, I need to be able to see your eyes. If you don’t have a profile picture or you don’t show it to people that you’re not connected to, I’m not going to connect with you as well. So yeah, it is super important that, that piece is really developed well.

Tom: So, no sunglasses on your picture profile.

Mark: Yeah. That’s a great point. Yeah, don’t do sunglasses, and by the way, don’t show your favorite school colors either.

Tom: Oh, yeah.

Mark: Right. So, Georgia grads in the state of Georgia, shouldn’t have a Georgia hat on because the Georgia tech grad won’t do business with them.

Caleb: Yeah, good luck. Yeah, grabbing their business or getting hired by the tech grad.

Mark: Oh, let’s go to the next guy.

Caleb: I appreciate the kind words on my profile Mark because I think often, I’m like, man, I don’t think my bio is very good. I probably need to expand it and make it a little more catchy for my headline. Should I say what I do? Or should I say my title? So, without giving away all of your consulting secrets, give us just a few thoughts on what makes a great LinkedIn profile for someone who’s in the banking industry.

Mark: Yeah. I don’t mind giving away secrets quite frankly, because I don’t mind helping at all. Here’s the gig. Your number one place on your profile is your profile picture. So, I’m looking at yours now, and if anyone wants to pull up, you can find him his handle is calebstevens14, and if you understand handles, you’ll figure that one out. So, if you pull up Caleb, you can see he’s in a jacket with a tie. The tie doesn’t make a difference anymore. It doesn’t make it all the jacket does make a difference. So, wearing a jacket, your profile picture, you absolutely have to do even in banking, right, and the reason is we take profile pictures. We drop them into a crowdsourcing app where random people rate photos and they don’t know the person.

What we find is jackets make a difference, ties do not people who have a well-lit face get higher scores on competence, influence and likeability. The other thing is I would crop your picture closer. So, I mentioned eyes before, your picture is more or less, it’d be like your bust up. So, your head and, you know, you’re about down midsection. I would crop that closer so I can see your eyes better. Okay. Eyes are so important. Same picture, just crop it a little closer. The other thing you should do is your headline is helping community banks compete. Well, I want you to go through an exercise.

All of you are listening, go to LinkedIn, hit that search bar and type in the search terms for somebody you want to do business with somebody that you need to provide a solution. So, Caleb, if I didn’t know you, and I know what you did, give me just two words that somebody would probably use to search for you if they didn’t know you?

Caleb: They would probably search correspondent banker if they were a bank and they were looking for correspondent services in general.

Tom: [Inaudible 16:29].

Caleb: That would probably be one an easy one. Yeah.

Mark: That’s good. Let’s take that. Correspondent banker. If I go to the search bar and search for you, I’m not going to find you because that’s not in your headline, and that’s that line right below your name. Yeah, so these are just two words. I want you to come up with 20. So, any of you out there come up with 20 words that are hard hitting, hard skill words that someone would use if they’re searching for you. So correspondent banker, there’s a lot more out there that you could find, you know, and tell you what, 20 words are hard and it’s meant to be hard. So, you go hard skill 20 words, then rank them.

The first word is the most important. The 20th word, the least important. Now you have a roadmap. I want you to build a headline using as many of those words as possible and using a little vertical carrot key, which is over on the keyboard, on the right side, above the anarchy. That’s the vertical key, and why? Because it tells everybody, these are bits of data. These aren’t commas, so I’m not going to grade you for grammar, right? So, let’s say it could look like this correspondent banker, vertical bar, the next one could be commercial, comma, residential. I’m making stuff up this isn’t him. I’m just making this up for sake of time, but you get the gist. That line will now make sure that you show up as somebody searches for you using those search terms.

Tom: It’s kind of your identity in little bits and pieces in terms of what your title is, what you do with the problems you solve. I like how you parse that out. I’ve seen folks do that before. It seems effective.

Mark: That’s why I don’t use emojis in the banking industry. Right, I like to say, unless you’re in a circus, you don’t use emojis. So, no emojis, vertical bars, and I tell you what you can find my profile and it it’s an example that you could use by the handle epresencemg. epresencemg, altogether so and the way these handles work, it’s the handle. So, epresencemg for me, calebstevens14 for Caleb.

Tom: Now let’s shift Mark to kind of taking a look at the sales side of the business, and then in our case, in our audience, let’s think about commercial bankers, and they’re trying to, you know, go out and prospect for new business. What are some of the keys or how can they effectively use LinkedIn to go about getting some of that business, especially now, again, like we talked about in the age of COVID where they can’t go, a lot of face-to-face meeting. Again, what are some of the ideas that you can think of that they could use to expand their business?

Mark: Well, a good way for a lot of people to find businesses are looking at their local community. Is that right? Don’t most bankers that you guys work with?

Tom: Yeah. Those relationships, it’s relationship driven, yeah for sure.

Mark: Right, and so the number one way that I would use it as I’m driving into work and I see a company that’s, you know, that’s going to move in a mile down the street from my bank. I could go to LinkedIn, pull up that company and I can find that company’s page and then start to see who works at that company and probably find the key targets right off of that page, and I could send them a message and my message would be this, hey, welcome to the community. Looking forward to you moving in, let me know if I can help you. Or hey, if you’re looking for a good place for lunch, go to XYZ, you kind of get my gist, I am not selling.

Don’t sell, just reach out to them and say, hey, welcome, I see that you guys are moving in, and yeah, you know what, if Caleb hits me and he were to say, and I was moving into his community and he said, hey, welcome, glad you’re coming in. I’m like, ah, he’s selling to me. That’s okay, but guess what? Caleb’s not actually selling. He’s trying to be helpful. Then I’d make another note. I put it on my calendar to reach out again on LinkedIn in about a week or two weeks or three weeks whatever’s appropriate, and I would find something to say, hey, if you’re going to be available, I’d love to come by and bring you a welcome gift and then go knock on the door and walk in, and Caleb comes, hey, Mark, you know, I know that you’re here.

Welcome. Here’s a welcome gift. Just simply building that credibility. So eventually I’m going to say, so Caleb, what did you do? Because it’s personal, he’s been personally, he’s been developing relationships. That’s one of many ways you can use LinkedIn. I got one other tip connect to every single one of your competitors. Okay. This is crazy, but do it, and then when you go to your search bar and you’re looking for the local manufacturer and you look for manufacturers and, so let’s say Caleb’s now my competitor. I go in and I do that search and I can search his contacts, and I look at his contacts. I can solicit his contacts, now he could turn that off, but Caleb, if you’re smart, you have, but if they haven’t turned that off, I can see who their contacts are and I could solicit his contacts. Always compete. Always, always connect to your competitors for that reason.

Caleb: Those were some good ideas.

Mark: Yeah.

Tom: Little tricks.

Caleb: Tricks of the trade.

Tom: Any thoughts on the paid version of LinkedIn? I know some people are saying well, okay. That gives me access to some more things I can create lists. I can search easier. I can see when folks view my profile, but man, is it really worth the cost? What kind of person do you think would be best suited for maybe a souped up paid version, like a sales navigator or something like that?

Mark: I would honestly, if you’re in sales at all, you should be on sales navigator, but I got a caveat for that. You got to use it. It has to be something that you say, okay, I’m going to pay for sales navigator, and I am willing to commit to an hour and a half a day leveraging it because here’s why it’s great. Among many, many reasons. Here’s one reason it’s great is I can develop a profile of my optimal client and LinkedIn will sort say, well, here’s an alike audience. Here’s another person in that audience. Here’s another person that I didn’t see. It helps make my solicitation and my developing new targets much, much more effective. So that’s the number one value. The other one is, it’s kind of like its own little CRM.

So, you could develop your own audience. You can track them. You can try to communicate with them, and here’s the other thing is I can send more LinkedIn mails to people using LinkedIn navigator than I could otherwise, and what is that? That’s an email feature. So, it’s InMail, it’s email InMail, right? It’s the email feature through LinkedIn, which allows me to send somebody a message that I’m not already connected to, and you get more of them on paid versions than you do on a free version. My favorite reason though, without a doubt for a paid version is it allows me to see everybody that’s looked at my profile.

So, Caleb if you hit my profile or Tom hits my profile, I can see that, and it gives me the option to send you a message and say, hey Caleb, I saw that you’re on my profile today or one of my favorite ways is, hey Caleb, I have a special offering for you. Or I posted something that I think you’ll find interesting. I’m not going to say anything about you looking at my profile, right? So, you could take this podcast, and if somebody hits your profile, you could say, hey Mark, let’s say I did. Right, and that’s kind of confusing. Let’s say Tom hit the profile, and you could say, hey Tom, you should check out this podcast that we did with Mark Galvin about LinkedIn, I thought you would find it interesting.

So, I’ve hit your profile, you’ve sent me a message, and now you’re becoming more and more top of mind. I’m probably going to say, hey, Caleb, I have a question for you. Can you help me with X? So that part of who hits your profile is very viable and paid version gets to see everybody that hit the profile. If you’re on a free version, you get five.

Tom: Let’s talk about now, Mark the idea that we’ve kind of dusted off the LinkedIn profile, we’ve dressed it up with some of the tips that you gave us, and then we sort of kind of put it out there for the rest of the world to see, and kind of come back in about a month or few weeks. What are some of the ways that we can measure that effectiveness of the changes that we’ve kind of brought to our profile?

Mark: The number one way is by profile views and LinkedIn has kind of buried profile views over the last little bit, but this is how you find it. You go to your notifications tab, it’s actually the bell on your profile and page down through it for the little button, it’ll say, see all views, and when you get there, you can see if more and more people are viewing your profile. If you’re doing an effective job, you’re going to have more people looking at your profile. That’s the number one way that I would encourage you guys, all of you to see if what you’re doing is more effective and I’ll guarantee you, if you start activating your profile, you’re definitely going to see more and more people looking at your profile.

The other one is you need to share content, and we may or may not have time to get into content today, but if you’re sharing good quality content, and I like a rule called the 80/20 rule. 80 percent of the time, just give away free advice. Right, and I know you guys may be in a pseudo regulated environment, right, but you could give advice like I mentioned lunch, hey, there’s a restaurant opening up down the street. You guys need to go check it out. It’s really great. Or I just ran across a podcast that CenterState Bank is doing. I totally screwed that up. Do you like that Caleb? I totally screwed that up, but anyway they’re doing that is really good.

Sharing that your audience is going to find valuable, and there’s so many things, and the best way to come up with content is put a tablet on your desk, at the top of it every week, write social media, and every time someone calls you and asks you a question, make a little note. You know, Tom Fitzgerald just called me and asked me about LinkedIn company pages. Should I build it? What should I do? The next day, Caleb calls me and Caleb was asking, hey, what about profile pictures? Well, at the end of the week, I now have stuff that I can quickly say on LinkedIn to say, hey, if you’re building a company page, make sure you consider this, right? You get my gist.

80 percent of the time, I’m sharing content 20 percent of the time I can now sell. Hey, we’re offering a special offering for XYZ, or please come to us where your banking needs here in the local community. If you’re looking for a loan, you want to grow your business, you need a PPE loan, whatever. PPE, PPP? Whatever those loans are called.

Tom: PPE, you got it, right.

Mark: There we go. You should come see us. So, you get where I’m going. I want you to share 80 percent of content that’s just helpful and then 20 percent you can sell, then go back to those posts the following week, see if they’re performing well, and you can do that by pulling up the post and seeing how that post is, who’s it reaching, and here’s something else, when you get a post and you pull up a post that is yours, you can see who is engaging with it? What industries are engaging with it? It won’t tell you who they are necessarily, but it will tell you what industries are represented, and it may tell you your target customer is not who you think they are, and you should probably switch to somebody new or to a new target.

Caleb: That’s great. Any thoughts on the frequency of content? Can you overdo it? Because I have to admit there, I typically, I very rarely unfollow anybody on LinkedIn, but there was one guy who, my goodness, it was 4 or 5 times a day. He was posting and it got to the point that it kind of consumed my feed and kind of overwhelmed it, and I said, eh.

Mark: It wasn’t mine? Was it?

Caleb: No, it was not yours, but it was a little much, and so any thoughts on how often, and also kind of off of that, any thoughts on how much should be organic from you, I typed the words I created the content versus I’m reposting, or I’m sharing a blog or something else from another source.

Mark: It depends on your audience, Caleb. It really depends on who you’re trying to talk to. Any time you’re working on social. I want you to imagine a specific person and imagine if you were that person, how would you receive the posts? Now, here’s the thing, when I started the company, I used to post twice a week and I’ve realized over time that I’m a social media company, and because I’m a social media, I need to constantly share content, that’s just helpful. So, I don’t sell hardly at all on my feed, but I am posting content that’s designed to be helpful.

I know if someone’s following me, they are probably interested in social and they’re going to give me a pass. If they stop following me, they’re not in my target audience, and that’s an important note, right? If somebody starts following you, if they’re not in your target audience, that’s okay. I think in banking, you should be posting twice to three times a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays, two good days to post posts on those days, and I think that you’re going to be good. Keep in mind, very few people actually post on LinkedIn. Very few of the people who have accounts post. So just by posting say, you’ve got 500 connections. You’re probably going to appear in front of most of your audience.

Tom: Mark, let’s kind of wind up with this idea. I mean, you know, you’ve given us some great ideas. I’m sure it’s sparked a lot of interest among our listeners. What are some of the ways they can get in touch with you if they wanted to kind of flush out some more of these LinkedIn ideas to develop their social media presence?

Mark: Well, that’s awesome. Thanks for asking. So, our company’s ePresence, E-P-R-E-S-C-E-N-C-E. Our website’s, ePresence because it’s all about you. So, you go to our website, you can hit us there, or you can hit us on any social media, and we have a universal social media handle. What does that mean? I encourage all of you to do this, have one handle that works everywhere for yourself or your company. So, take the dot out, and that’s our universal social media handle. You can find us using that handle on LinkedIn, on Facebook, on Twitter, on Instagram, on you name it.

Every time there’s a new social media program that comes on there. I go grab it. epresenceme, so they can find us there, and if you want to hit me, you can find me easily on LinkedIn, Mark Galvin, or you can go onto Google. We do our own podcast. How’s your ePresence, is our podcast. If you go onto Google and search Mark Galvin, you will find me. You can hit me on any of those links. I’d be happy to respond to any needs, and banking is an area that we’ve done a lot of work with. So yeah, if there’s a bank out there that like some help on social, we’d love to have a conversation with you.

Tom: Well, we appreciate your time. This has been super helpful.

Mark: Awesome.

Tom: I hope encouraging for the folks listening, who maybe haven’t dipped their toes into the LinkedIn world that maybe now is the time to start. So, Mark, thank you again. This has been great, and I’ll see you tomorrow on LinkedIn.

Mark: That sounds great. See you there.

Tom: Thank you Mark.


Recent Episodes


Why 2025 Will be a Great Year for Community Banks with Karl Nelson

Today we sit down with Karl Nelson, Founder and CEO of KPN Consulting. He gives us a recap of the community banking landscape since the Covid pandemic and describes what 2025 could hold for community banks.   DOWNLOAD OUR FREE LOAN PRICING VIDEO SERIES HERE The views, information, or opinions expressed during this show are…

Listen Now about Why 2025 Will be a Great Year for Community Banks with Karl Nelson

The Top 12 Winning Strategies for Community Banks in 2025 with Chris Nichols and Ed Kofman

Today we sit down with Chris Nichols and Ed Kofman. They discuss our e-book, “The Top 12 Winning Strategies for Community Banks in 2025,” going into detail on the principles to succeed this year.   GET OUR NEW EBOOK: TOP 12 WINNING STRATEGIES FOR COMMUNITY BANKS IN 2025 The views, information, or opinions expressed during…

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The Key Traits of Effective Bank Executives with Steve Williams from Cornerstone Advisors

Today we sit down with Steve Williams, CEO and Founding Partner of Cornerstone Advisors.  We discuss the community banking landscape for 2025 and the traits every successful bank executive must possess to succeed in today’s banking environment.   The views, information, or opinions expressed during this show are solely those of the participants involved and…

Listen Now about The Key Traits of Effective Bank Executives with Steve Williams from Cornerstone Advisors

Joe Keating’s Economic Outlook for 2025

Today we bring back Joe Keating, SVP & Senior Portfolio Manager here at SouthState, to provide his economic outlook for 2025. The views, information, or opinions expressed during this show are solely those of the participants involved and do not necessarily represent those of SouthState Bank and its employees. SouthState Bank, N.A. – Member FDIC…

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How Lenders Can Succeed in 2025

Today we bring back a longtime friend of the show, Jack Hubbard from St. Meyer & Hubbard. Jack has trained and coached over 80,000 bankers, helping them become “resource managers” (not simply “lenders”) for their clients. We talk about what it will take for lenders to be successful in 2025, plus several other topics. The…

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The Art of Bank Branching with Steve Smith from Accenture

In our final episode of 2024, Chris Nichols sits down with Steve Smith from Accenture to discuss the future of bank branching. GET OUR NEW EBOOK: TOP 12 WINNING STRATEGIES FOR COMMUNITY BANKS IN 2025 The views, information, or opinions expressed during this show are solely those of the participants involved and do not necessarily…

Listen Now about The Art of Bank Branching with Steve Smith from Accenture