The Challenge

This community bank was looking for a new tool to boost both loan production, fee income, and their overall ability to compete in their markets.

The Solution

Adopt the ARC Program: ARC allows a community bank to offer up to 10-to-20-year fixed rate commercial loans, while the bank earns a floating rate on their balance. All without any hedge accounting or reporting headaches that come with a traditional interest rate swap.

The Results

  • $120 Million New CRE Loan Production
  • ARC contributed 20% (on average) of the bank’s annual loan growth
  • $2 Million Fee Income Generated
  • ARC increased the bank’s non-interest income 15%
  • No turnover on ARC loans since program was adopted
Why ARC?
Bank Earns Floating While Borrower Receives Fixed Icon
Bank Earns Floating While Borrower Receives Fixed
Allows the bank to offer unique options Icon
Allows the bank to offer unique options
Fixed rate terms out to 20 years Icon
Fixed rate terms out to 20 years
Forward rate locks Icon
Forward rate locks

How does the ARC Program work?

Provide long-term fixed rates to your borrowers while booking a floating rate loan. No complicated paperwork, accounting, or swap to manage.

Book ARC Demo