Correspondent Blog
Bank Marketing
1:1 AI-Driven Marketing Based on Customer Intent – Part 2
Last week, we covered the first two steps in using AI-driven marketing data to uncover the customer’s intent. (HERE). This week, we discuss the last two steps and show how generative AI is the new major change in bank marketing when it comes to becoming much more effective at leveraging customer intent. Interpreting topic models…
Deciphering Bank Customer Intent with AI in 4 Steps – Part 1
If you are conducting bank strategy or marketing around demographic information, at best you are being lazy and ineffective. At worst, you are being sexist, ageist and a bunch of other names that can hurt your culture and reputation while wasting your marketing budget. In this age of data, getting to the Holy Grail of…
How To Use “Strategic Product Communication” In Banking
A survey from the CFA Institute caught our attention on why wealth management clients leave. 47% of the respondents said they left because of the poor portfolio performance. That makes sense. But, do you know what the second highest reason for leaving your wealth manager was? Communication. 43% of the respondents left because of the…
Steal This 5-Step Banking Innovation Playbook from Gentle Monster
For inspiration in banking innovation, we often look to other industries. Honkook Kim and his Gentle Monster Brand is a perfect example. With financial hardship, competition from dominant players, and a startup budget, Gentle Monster faced many of the same challenges as a community bank. Instead of thinking traditionally, Gentle Monster pursued a strategy of…
How to Use RFM Customer Segmentation Analysis in Banking
In banking, there is often a discussion about “who are our best customers?” Some banks rank customers against current profitability, others against lifetime profitability, and some use a technique called “RFM,” which stands for “Recency,” “Frequency,” and “Monetary.” This article explores the methodology and shows you what this analysis means for a typical bank. How…
Ideas To Improve Your Bank’s Brand Value Proposition
If you want to know if your bank has an alignment problem, ask ten co-workers, ”What is your bank’s brand value proposition? If 80% or more say close to the same thing – that is fantastic, and you are likely in the top 1% of bank performance. If 60% of your co-workers say the same…
10 Big Bank Marketing Lessons from the ABA Bank Marketing Conference
Last week, the American Banking Association (ABA) held its annual Bank Marketing Conference in Denver, receiving rave reviews. The theme was – developing your marketing superpowers. Amid the brewery networking, superhero costumes, and fun, some fantastic bank marketing lessons were had, and not just for bank marketers. The theme was how marketing needs to be…
Deposit Marketing In the Age of Machine Learning
In the olden days, if you wanted to market deposits, the head of Retail would come to Marketing and say something like – “We need to raise deposits.” Marketing would then put together some ideas for a print or digital campaign; Retail would sign off on it, and then they would roll it out. Maybe…
The Formula For Brand Affinity Marketing To Make Your Bank Go Viral
Back in 2015, Brazil led the world in fan football-related injuries. Passions ran so high that there would be 25 deaths and about 300 serious injuries from fan-on-fan violence in a typical year. More private security was brought in and fights increased. A more significant police presence was tried, and altercations increased more. It was…