A Marketing Tool For Lenders – Our ROI Calculator

Commercial lending is more competitive than ever. To effectively differentiate their services, commercial lenders will need to be thought leaders, understand their market and industries, and provide more insightful advisory services.  Commercial lenders can differentiate themselves by running return on investment (ROI) scenarios for their borrowers to help them make better financing decisions – especially…

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Office Lending – Here is Why It is Not as Bad as The Market Thinks

Between now and the end of 2027, it is estimated that $2.2T of office loans is coming due. Much of this product lies on banks’ balance sheets. A high percentage of those office loans on banks’ balance sheet are balloon structures where the bulk of the loan’s principal is due. Equally worrisome is the large…

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Here Is the Latest Credit Data To Keep Your Bank Safe

As the risk of a recession gets pushed out by the market, so does the risk of credit. This is not to say bank credit is without risk, as higher rates, inflation, and a slowing economy have taken their toll. Three essential credit metrics – probabilities of default (POD), POD rate of change, and POD…

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Use These Tactics When We Have A Full Inverted Yield Curve

A yield curve is a relationship between yield and different maturity dates. The yield curve’s slope can provide insight into future interest rate changes and economic activity. There is much discussion in the market about the current inverted yield curve between the two and ten-year Treasury yields. However, for bankers, the critical dates on the…

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How Your Bank Can Compete Against Fannie and Freddie

Both the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie) and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie) have aggressive multifamily lending programs and comprise the bulk of the market. Freddie’s total multifamily finance activity in Q1/21 was $14B, and Fannie Mae’s was $21.5B.  Some bankers complain that taxpayers’ dollars are creating an unfair playing field for financing…

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