Correspondent Blog
Tag: ALM
How to Manage the Cost of Funding Dilemma for 2025
The banking industry’s cost of funding earning assets (COF) is highly correlated to short-term interest rates. The Federal Reserve lowered short-term rates by 100bps in late 2024, with expectations of additional rate cuts in 2025. On average, community banks have not been able to lower their COF, now recognize the reality of a pause by…
Community Banks Often Take Risk Without Reward
Most bankers would refuse to accept risk without reward (or revenue). It would make no sense to risk the bank’s capital without adequate compensation. However, some banks are inadvertently taking risk without any additional revenue. The yield curve is currently flat, and the average community bank’s cost of funding is highly correlated to Fed Funds…
Here is the Cost and Risk of Lending Optionality
Optionality is defined as a state in which choice or discretion is allowed. In finance, optionality is an asset (has value) for the person who can exercise the option, while the person who gave the option has the liability. Selling options for above their value can be a profitable business for banks and brokers, but…
What Banks Can Learn from the Republic Bank Failure
On April 26, 2024, Republic First Bank (DBA Republic Bank) was seized by state regulators and the long running bank drama came to an end. With the assistance of the FDIC, Fulton Financial acquired certain assets, debt and deposits of Republic Bank. This first bank failure in 2024 is reported to cost the Deposit Insurance…
How The Market Gets Interest Rate Predictions Wrong
In a few short months, stronger economic data (higher GDP, stronger job market, and stubborn inflation) changed the market’s and the Fed’s view on the future path of interest rates. The market and the Fed are now aligning on only one rate cut in 2024 – obviously this will change over the course of the…
The Problem with Floating and Adjustable Rate Loans
A typical current strategy for community banks when originating commercial real estate loans is to offer floating-rate loans or shorter-term adjustable structures. Borrowers are waiting for the Fed to lower short-term interest rates, hopefully translating into a refinancing opportunity for the borrower at a lower loan rate. Unfortunately, this strategy has all the underpinnings of…
How Large Banks Are Using Interest Rate Swaps
With an inverted yield curve, borrowers have a pricing advantage to lock in long-term fixed-rate loans, while lenders strongly desire to limit loan duration. One possible solution to this dichotomy is for banks to offer interest rate swaps to hedge individual loans. This article will review domestic banks’ adoption of interest rate swaps. Next week’s…
Loan Structuring with an Inverted Yield Curve
The yield curve is currently inverted, and the FOMC may take a pause at its next meeting in June. Uncertainty about the evolution of the economy and the path of future interest rates and the unusual inverted yield curve shape affords a prime opportunity for bankers to provide sound, trusted advice to clients. This is…
FTP – Another Bank Failure and Another Learning Opportunity
Last week, we published an article [here] discussing how fair value accounting for assets and liabilities may have prevented the failure of Silicon Valley Bank, even if sound risk mitigation practices were not resolutely embraced by management. We argued that valuing assets at historical value or measuring net interest margin (NIM) is not only a…
Fair Value Accounting and Silicon Valley Bank Failure
Analysts, regulators, legislators, and bankers have been attributing the root cause of SVB’s failure in the past month. Some blame the dilution of the Dodd-Frank provisions, others the lack of oversight by regulators, and others still blame social media for exacerbating the deposit run. The root cause of Silicon Valley Bank’s (SVB) failure is poor…
Non-Maturity Deposits – A New Machined Learned Framework For ALM
Banking has now arrived at a speed that it cannot handle. While there have always been problems in banks’ asset-liability models (ALM) and liquidity stress test models, the current environment exacerbates this problem. Recent bank failures hurting public perceptions, the current market trends of higher rates, Quantitative Tightening, digital banking, social media, and a flight…
The Risk of Interest Rate Movement in Relationship Banking
In recent articles (here and here), we discussed why banks that take the interest rate movement risk demonstrate lower performance as measured by return on assets (ROA). Empirical evidence, historical bank failures, and common sense teach us that many risks do not translate to higher yields. The second article compared and contrasted community banks’ pay-for-risk…