20 of the Best Banking Rules

Bankers love rules and formulas. Here are 20 banking rules that have served us well over the years. Use these and save yourself much time and stress. These “hacks” are a combination of rules and shortcuts that we use daily in our decision-making. We have tried to pick some non-obvious shortcuts that have historically produced…

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What We Learned At Our Lenders Lunch

For the last few years, SouthState Bank Correspondent Division has been hosting lender lunches across the country. At these events, we invite local executives and lenders to discuss what drives community bank performance, we highlight challenges and opportunities for community banks, bankers have a chance to network over a short period (and eat lunch), and…

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Community Banks Often Take Risk Without Reward

Most bankers would refuse to accept risk without reward (or revenue).  It would make no sense to risk the bank’s capital without adequate compensation. However, some banks are inadvertently taking risk without any additional revenue. The yield curve is currently flat, and the average community bank’s cost of funding is highly correlated to Fed Funds…

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How Safe Are You? 5 Lessons from The Safest Banks

Based on the 2007 to 2010 bank failure experience, we modeled the financial health of every bank using the last 16 quarters of historical performance.  We have also created projections for the next 18 months. There are 150 banks that currently have a Grade of “8” out of 10, with 10 being the safest. In…

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Bank Failure and Predictors of Performance

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York published three articles on why banks fail (the first one here).  While the aim of the research was to identify the cause of approximately 5,000 US bank failures over the course of 160 years, the research also infers what factors bank executes can influence to not only avoid…

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Why Banking Strategy Should be Simple but Difficult

Bankers love easy. Who doesn’t want an easy way to have a more profitable bank? We also love to keep things simple. It is a common refrain. Compounding the problem is that in banking, we often think that “simple” and “easy” as synonymous. In this article, we will touch on innovation, technology and banking strategy…

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Understand This Key Insight Into Bank Efficiency and Profitability

In our previous article (here) we analyzed the data on community bank M&A and performance, and we concluded that there is no relationship between community bank size and profitability, as measured by return on equity (ROE).  While superficially it makes sense that bigger is better, size itself does not lead to better bank performance.  Combining…

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4 Winning Loan Tactics to Improve ROA

In Q2/24 the average return of asset (ROA) for community banks (under $10B in assets) was 1.08%.  But within the community banking sector, performance varied among banks significantly and a large swath of banks need to improve ROA.  While the average ROA was 1.08%, approximately 5.7% of community banks reported negative ROA.  Another 16.2% of…

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Scalability in Banking and Digital Transformation Example

Banking is woefully inefficient. There is a myriad of manual processes that take place everyday in banking driving up unit economics and causing the average bank to operate with a 77+% efficiency ratio. To be competitive in the future, banks need to be operating at an efficiency ratio of below 40%. Part of the issue…

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Drivers of ROA for Community Banks

In Q2/24 the average return on assets (ROA) for community banks (under $10B in assets) was 1.08%, with an average ROE of 10.44%.  But within the community banking sector, performance varied among banks significantly.  We analyze the drivers of ROA for the community bank segment last quarter and consider what financial variables explain bank performance….

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Predicting Bank Performance with Declining Rates

Most community bankers we talk believe they will get a boost to bank performance with declining short-term rates.  The thinking is that a lower Fed Funds rate will mitigate credit risk, spur loan demand and potentially soften competition for deposits, leading to wider NIM and more profitability.  Unfortunately, the empirical evidence shows otherwise.  While the…

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How to Build Better Deposit Performance – Size and Beta

Because of the option to add or remove deposit balances over time, deposit management is one of the more complicated endeavors in banking. Lending, by comparison, is largely a one dimensional supply vs. demand problem. Building better deposit performance is more complicated. Add a three month CD option for your customers and the duration of…

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