Use This Conversion Tactic for Building Deposit Balances

Take a second to think about how much of your operating, sales and marketing effort is spent acquiring new customers versus growing your existing customers. If you are like most banks, 80% of your effort is not directed at increasing product usage. This could be a problem because when you look at conversion rates for…

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5 Campaigns to Increase Deposits Targeting Digital Wallets

Bankers often overlook how much money is stored in digital wallets away from their bank. While the amounts are relatively small on an individual basis, they are massive in aggregate. While some of these are stored at the banking-as-a-service banks such as Goldman Sachs, or The Bancorp, many digital wallets, like Starbucks, reside at the…

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The Recency Trap and Building Deposit Balances

One of the lessons that was driven home at the recent American Banker Small Business Banking Conference in Nashville was the difference in marketing between large national banks and community banks, particularly deposit marketing. Most national and regional banks allocate marketing resources to recently acquired customers to get them to build deposit balances and purchase…

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Behavioral Deposit Pricing – Optimizing the Three-Package Offer

We have discussed the importance of bundling or packaging deposit account services to speed up customer choices, increase profitability, and enhance deposit performance. However, many banks still offer just two choices, whereas if they offered three, they would increase profitability. In this article, we examine how behavioral deposit pricing works and how to use it…

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