Correspondent Blog
Tag: Deposit Management
Using The French Defense in Deposit Management
It was the famous England vs. France chess match back in 1834, where the French opened with a simple yet potent attack. England came out, moving a pawn to the center of the board. The French stopped the pawn’s advance and used the combination of their bishop, rook, and knights to counterattack England’s exposed players….
Deposit Profitability – The Operating Cost of Your Deposits
A couple of weeks ago, we delved into the origination and operating costs of manufacturing commercial loans (HERE). In this article, we delve into deposit profitability and highlight the cost structure of deposits. The goal here is to give bankers that don’t utilize a funds transfer pricing and activity analysis methodology a glimpse into the…
How The Fed Will Impact Your Deposit Beta
Your bank’s deposit beta is going to rapidly change. In our previous article (HERE), we reviewed the banking industry’s cost of funding earning assets (COF), and we compared how community banks’ COF behaves relative to national banks in a rising interest rate cycle. We showed that the average community bank’s COF is highly correlated to…
Forecasting Cost of Funds Given Fed Moves
Based on the futures market, the Federal Reserve is expected to raise the Fed Funds rate to 3.00% at its December 2022 meeting. The Fed will also aggressively shrink its balance sheet to tame unwanted inflation. These two Fed moves, along with the economic environment and customer behavior will impact your forecasting of your cost…
Understand This One Point For Better Bank Fee Setting
Pick up almost any survey, from Pew to JD Power and you will find that deposit account fees are a significant driver of customer satisfaction. Often it is a major factor in choosing or leaving a bank. Unfortunately, many banks set their fees according to where their competitors are. If your bank does this understand…