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Tag: Loan Pricing
Why Now Is The Time To Use Swap Spreads For Loan Pricing
Community banks face intense competition for profitable borrowers and relationships. With short-term interest rates rising and long-term rates still at historically low levels, all bankers should understand how swap spreads may provide a competitive lending advantage. In this current market, swap spreads are negative, and banks that can utilize swap spreads in pricing loans gain…
Better Loan Pricing – Correcting 5 Big Mistakes
If you want to know how you can improve your bank’s profitability, one place that you can start is better loan pricing. While chances are your bank prices most of its loans correctly, it is the fringe cases that, in aggregate, end up having a large impact on bank profitability. In this article, we look…
Easily Avoid This Loan Pricing Mistake
The FOMC’s recent hawkish pivot and indications of multiple rate hikes in 2022 have created market volatility and an increase in longer-term interest rates. In a period of rapid change (or high volatility), we see about 50% of banks fall into a common trap of mispricing their commercial credits. This loan pricing mistake does not…
Changing Commercial Loan Pricing To Manage Loan Average Life
One trick every bank lender should have up their sleeve is the ability to meet a client’s maturity and amortization targets but limit the risk of the bank by adjusting the rate on a loan. This tactic is especially germane in today’s market as certain sectors in certain cities are likely reaching the end of…
Use This Lending Tool For More Loans
Because competition is intense and every lender is looking for a competitive advantage, at SouthState Bank, we strive to develop lending tools to help our bankers win more loans. A better product, faster service, or insightful advice can translate into additional loans, better credit spreads, or additional fee income. In this article, we explore our…