Correspondent Blog
Banker to Banker
Ideas To Improve Your Bank’s Brand Value Proposition
If you want to know if your bank has an alignment problem, ask ten co-workers, ”What is your bank’s brand value proposition? If 80% or more say close to the same thing – that is fantastic, and you are likely in the top 1% of bank performance. If 60% of your co-workers say the same…
How Banks Can Better Use Grid-Based Pricing
Grid-based pricing is typically used to set the applicable margin of a loan based on specific performance measures, such as credit rating or cash flow coverage. However, grid-based pricing can also be used to increase deposit balances. The average borrower does not calculate their cost of borrowing and return on deposits on the economic value…
Customer Game Theory – Picking Halloween Candy and Loans
Many parents have dealt with the issue of how to divide Halloween candy among siblings. It takes work. If all houses gave out the same candy, it wouldn’t be a problem. But houses give out different sweets. Further, trick-or-treaters have different preferences. Whatever the case, candy, and preferences are not all the same. As a…
The Steps and Tools For Tactical Loan Refinancings
In two articles in the past few weeks (here and here), we discussed how the “higher-for-longer” interest rate environment will affect the community bank sector – continued increase in the cost of funds (COF), steady yields on loans, and a decrease in net interest margin (NIM) will put severe pressure on ROE for new loan…
Here Are 15 of the Best Deposit Marketing Campaigns Ranked
If you want to grab a material amount of new deposit balance, offer a 5.05% money market rate, post it all over Instagram, and sit back and watch the money roll in. This approach has many problems, the first of which is a negative return on your investment (ROI). You will also end up cannibalizing…
Strategic Loan Refinancing for Profitability
In an article last week (Here), we discussed how the higher-for-longer interest rate environment will affect the community bank sector. Stable short-term rates for the next year or longer will increase cost of funds (COF), hold yields on loans steady, decrease net interest margin (NIM), and pressure return on equity (ROE) for new credit assets. …
Loan Portfolio Asset Allocation Is About To Cause Problems For Banks
Ask most banks how they construct their lending portfolio, and they say that “it is what the market gives them.” That is not a great answer. That level of passivity will likely cause us to lose 75+ banks during the next downturn. Loan portfolio asset allocation should be active. Credit risks are increasing, and a…
Bank Impact of “Higher For Longer” Interest Rate Environment
On September 20, 2023, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) left its benchmark rate unchanged, but it would be a mistake to conclude that the committee did not send a strong message about the projected path of future interest rates. The FOMC revised its view on future projected interest rates – rates will be “higher…
These Are Your Most Profitable Cash Management Clients
Not all customers are created equal. Some customers are more profitable than others, and if you are out to build a more profitable bank, it pays to have a tactical plan to go after more profitable customers. The treasury or cash management customer is usually a bank’s most profitable customer on a risk-adjusted basis (HERE). …
How to Manage Your Efficiency Ratio with Loan Size
The banking industry’s average efficiency ratio worsened for the first time since 2021. The industry’s efficiency ratio increased to 54.30% in Q2/23 from 52.98% in Q1/23. This development is very important to community banks, as their efficiency ratio also increased, but to 61.63%. The national banks have already indicated how they plan to reverse the…
Making the Instant Payment Decision
Most banks have still not committed to RTP® or FedNowSM for their commercial customers – a bank’s most significant single profit driver. Most banks ignore instant payments or are still worried about fraud. The irony is that of the estimated $25 trillion in B2B payments in the U.S., 33% are still made via check that…
Community Bank Performance – 2Q Lessons
On September 7, 2023, the FDIC released its banking profile. This quarterly publication provides a comprehensive financial results summary for all FDIC-insured institutions (4,645 commercial banks and savings institutions insured by the FDIC). While banks under $10B in assets comprise 97.8% of all banks by number, those same banks comprise only 14% of all banking…