How National Banks Are Poaching Loans and Deposits

Last week we spoke to a $1.2B community bank management team. The CLO was lamenting how he was losing quality loans and deposits to three aggressive national banks in the territory. An example was a $1.95mm owner-occupied CRE loan, where the borrower had multiple operating accounts totaling almost $500k. While this community bank is not…

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Fair Value Accounting and Silicon Valley Bank Failure

Analysts, regulators, legislators, and bankers have been attributing the root cause of SVB’s failure in the past month.  Some blame the dilution of the Dodd-Frank provisions, others the lack of oversight by regulators, and others still blame social media for exacerbating the deposit run.  The root cause of Silicon Valley Bank’s (SVB) failure is poor…

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Fair Value Accounting for Loans

Fair value accounting measures assets and liabilities at current market value instead of historical or amortized value.  Most agree that attempt to fair value certain financial instruments would still not approximate the settlement of that instrument between a motivated buyer and seller – for example, there are many unpredictable or unknown factors to be able…

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How a Loan Hedge Leverages The Yield Curve – Part II

In a previous article, we discussed the three generic shapes of the yield curve:  normal, inverted, and flat. We also pointed out that the current inverted yield curve is unusual and is expected to last for the near term.  The average community bank’s cost of funding is highly correlated to Fed Funds and SOFR (for…

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How To Take Advantage of the Yield Curve When Loan Structuring

The yield curve is currently inverted after the FOMC’s last rate increase of 75 bps.  The inversion will be more pronounced with next week’s additional rate increase, expected to be 50 bps.  The yield curve shape is an excellent opportunity for community bankers to provide sound risk mitigation and balance sheet management advice to borrowers. …

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Converting Libor To SOFR On Your Existing Hedged Loans – A Guide

Banks have ceased using LIBOR to price assets and liabilities after 2021. The remaining LIBOR cash and derivative instruments will continue until June 30, 2023. At that point, all LIBOR settings are expected to be discontinued, and most legacy LIBOR contracts will be converted to a Fallback Rate (effectively, compounding daily SOFR plus a spread…

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Post Fed – A Lending Tactic For The Yield Curve Inversion

This week the FOMC increased the Fed Funds rate by 75 bps, as expected to the 3.75% to 4.00% target range. The Effective Fed Funds rate jumped up and should stabilize at 3.83%, as did the 1-month term SOFR, to 3.79%.  The futures market now expects close to average odds of a 75bps increase in…

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Fixed Rate Loan Risk – Rethinking The 5-Year Offering

For decades community banks have taken on fixed rate loan risk mostly through the offering of five-year, fixed-rate, commercial term loans. This is probably the most popular structure for real estate-secured term credit at community banks. Now may be the right time for community banks to abandon this strategy – both for the borrowers who…

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Community Bank Hedging Options

Over the last 15 years, an ever greater percentage of community banks have embraced some form of interest rate hedging.  Approximately 1,000 banks in the country use some form of hedging products to manage risk, generate fee income, or provide product offerings demanded by their customers.  Most of the top 100 banks (by asset size)…

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Help Your Lenders With Our Loan Proposal Generator

Competition is intense, and every bank is looking for a competitive advantage. Better products, faster service, or insightful advice can translate into additional loans, better credit spreads, or extra fee income. Sometimes just a graphics tool can help a banker win more loan business. At SouthState, our commercial lending teams use an online proposal generator,…

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7 Reasons To Focus More on Hedge Fee Income

Many community banks are searching for ways to increase fee income, and many bank CEOs have concluded that fee income is a significant driver of revenue and profitability.  We argue that larger banks do not have an inherent advantage over community banks in generating fee income because of their scale.  Most fee income generated by…

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Loan Hedging May Save Your Bank

We see three expected developments in 2022 that will make a loan hedging program an essential competitive advantage for community banks. Increasing short-term rates, higher expected inflation, and increased need for fee income will significantly benefit those community banks that can offer a seamless and document-friendly loan hedging program.  While we have our ARC Program…

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