Why Diversification Fails at Banks

Bankers have been taught to diversify their loan portfolio to reduce idiosyncratic (individual borrower) risk and to stabilize earnings. The thinking is that diversification-induced lending leads to banking resiliency. We believe that while lending diversification leads banks to lend more in normal times (especially for banks over $50B in assets) and does benefit the general…

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Solving the Three-Body Problem in Banking

The “Three-Body Problem,” currently made popular by our new favorite author, Cixin Liu, is the concept of instability when three similar-sized celestial objects interact. The problem is currently unsolvable. Banking has a similar physics problem when management juggles strategy, risk/profitability, and customer behavior. This article will discuss the challenge of managing three potentially opposing forces…

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Loan Hedging for Community Banks in 2024

Community banks’ use of swaps (banks’ primary tool to hedge interest rate risk on loans) has increased substantially over the last ten years. The market expects the current inverted yield curve to remain through much of 2024 (based on long-term interest rates and the expected rate cuts in 2024).  Meanwhile, community banks face net interest…

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Fair Value Accounting and Silicon Valley Bank Failure

Analysts, regulators, legislators, and bankers have been attributing the root cause of SVB’s failure in the past month.  Some blame the dilution of the Dodd-Frank provisions, others the lack of oversight by regulators, and others still blame social media for exacerbating the deposit run.  The root cause of Silicon Valley Bank’s (SVB) failure is poor…

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The Velocity of Risk – What Bankers Need To Know

Banks that are looking to enhance their risk management practices should consider incorporating the concept of the velocity of risk into their enterprise-wide risk management practices. Some risks occur slowly; others strike quickly and hard. The velocity of risk is the time frame in which the risk may occur. In this age of social media,…

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How The Babe Can Improve Risk Mitigation At Your Bank

It was 102 years ago, almost to the day, that Babe Ruth hit his first home run as a Yankee against his previous team, the Boston Red Sox. That hit launched a juggernaut that not only changed baseball but changed the view of both team building and risk mitigation. In this article, we highlight the…

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Our ARC Lending Tactic For Quality Loan Growth

In our article last week (HERE), we discussed how the yield curve is currently flat between the three and 20-year points.  This makes term loan pricing between three years and 20 years virtually identical.  Banks that cannot offer competitively priced term loans out to 20 years may be at a significant disadvantage when competing or…

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Rate Locks – When and How To Lock a Borrower’s Loan Rate

In a recent blog [Here], we argued that banks are almost always in an inferior position by not re-quoting the loan rate with market movement until the loan closes. We think that when banks book a fixed-rate loan, the fixed-rate must be finalized at the closing table; otherwise, banks give borrowers a free option that…

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Using Commuter Zones in Banking

Most banks serve a geographical area defined mainly by a political outline, such as a set of counties. Other banks choose less-defined regions, such as the “Tri-city Area” or “Northern Virginia.” While these defined service areas may be fine for marketing purposes, when it comes to operating efficiency, banks may want to think along other…

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Setting Risk For Bank Strategic Planning

When it comes to setting risk for bank strategic planning, contrary to popular belief, risk isn’t something to avoid. Risk is not even an element to minimize. This is counterintuitive as most bankers are taught to avoid and minimize risk. For that matter, most regulators, board members, and investors also reinforce this notion. Take for…

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